Every Child Begins the World Again Essay

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Writing Skills

Opinion essays

ane a Read the rubric and underline the cardinal words, so answer the questions (ane-3).

A teen magazine is asking for opinions on the post-obit statement: All teenagers should have a function-time task. Write an commodity for the magazine, stating your opinion and giving reasons/examples to support your views. (120-180 words)

i    Who is going to read your essay? Do you know this person?
ii    Do you concur or disagree with the argument? Give reasons.
iii    What is the opposing viewpoint? Try to think of i or two reasons to support it.

b In pairs, make up one's mind which of the following statements are T (true) and which are F (false) when writing an opinion essay. Read the theory box and check.

I1I I Decide on your opinion before you start writing.
I2I IWrite in formal fashion.
I3I IUse nowadays tenses.
I4I IInclude personal examples.
I5I IState your opinion in the first paragraph merely.
I6I IUse a variety of linking words.
I7I I Land the topic in the introduction.
I8I IWhen presenting a new viewpoint, begin a new paragraph.
I9I I Never include a quotation.
I10I IPresent the opposing viewpoint first.
I11I IBegin each paragraph even so you like.
I12I IYou don't have to support every viewpoint with reasons or examples.
I13I IState your stance once more in the conclusion.

Opinion essays

Points to consider:

• Decide on your opinion before you starting time writing i.e. whether you agree/disagree and how strongly, equally this will touch the structure of your essay.

• Use present tenses and formal fashion, avoiding colloquial expressions, brusque forms & personal examples.
• Include phrases to express your opinion, a multifariousness of appropriate linking words and interesting techniques to begin/terminate your essay a quotation, a rhetorical question.

Useful Language:

To express opinion: In my opinion/view, It seems to me that, The way I see information technology, To my mind, I (strongly/completely) agree/disagree/believe that, I am totally against

To list points: First of all, In the start place, Firstly/Secondly, To start with, To brainstorm with

To add more points: Too, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, Besides, Autonomously from this, Another major reason

To introduce contrasting viewpoints: On the other mitt, Nonetheless, It is argued that, Opponents of this view say

To introduce examples: for example/instance, such as, in particular, especially

To conclude:

To sum upwardly, In conclusion, All in all, All things considered, Taking everything into account

2 a  Read the essay on p. 55 and number the paragraphs (A- s E) in the right guild (i-5). Heed and check. Which paragraph contains: second viewpoint with reasons/examples? statement of topic and author'south opinion? opposing viewpoint with reasons/examples? the author's opinion in other words? outset viewpoint with reasons/examples?

b What is the writer's stance? How is information technology expressed and in which paragraph(due south)?

Paragraph structure

3 a Read the main body paragraphs (2-4) in the model essay over again. What is the master idea of each paragraph? Which sentence is it in?

| A | | In addition to this, teenagers who have a job earn their own money and this has several advantages. Parents who are mayhap struggling financially, for example, will no longer need to find pocket coin for their son or daughter. Furthermore, when teenagers earn their own money, they are usually more careful when deciding how to spend it. In this way, they learn how to handle coin responsibly.

|B | | Is information technology a adept thought for teenagers to have part-time jobs while they are still at school? In my view, teenagers who take function-time jobs proceeds more than but money from their experience. I believe, therefore, that both parents and teachers should encourage teenagers to work part-time.

|C | | To conclude, the way I see it, teenagers learn both refeponsibility and independence through a office-fourth dimension job. Why not learn some important life lessons at an early historic period? After all, as they say, "Today's teenagers are tomorrow's adults."

|D | | To start with, getting a job teaches young adults early in life how to go reliable individuals and citizens. An employer expects you to exercise your task well, and when someone depends on y'all, you lot feel a sense of responsibility. Moreover, a part-time chore can teach valuable skills essential for your hereafter career, such equally learning to exist on time, treatment coin and dealing with customers.

|E | | On the other manus, some people argue that it's unwise for teenagers to work while still studying. In particular, they fearfulness that having a chore can accept up too much fourth dimension and cause a pupil's school work to suffer seriously.

b Complete the table for the model essay. Compare with your partner.

viewpoint/main thought reasons/examples
A job teaches you how to become reliable individuals and citizens
When someone depends on yous, y'all learn responsibility...

4 Detect all the linking words/phrases in the essay in Ex. ii. Which: listing/add a bespeak? Innovate an example/reason? introduce an opposing viewpoint? conclude? Advise suitable alternatives.

v  Work in pairs. Suggest suitable supporting sentences for the topic sentences below. Include appropriate linking words/ phrases.

i    Firstly, helping to look later younger siblings develops a teenager's character.
2    In addition, laws are essential considering they protect people.

First & last paragraph techniques Starting time paragraph techniques:

Your first paragraph must attract and maintain your reader'southward interest. You can achieve this by:

•    addressing the reader directly, Take you ever wondered what the world would be like if there were no laws?

•    using a quotation/saying/direct speech As the maxim goes, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'.

Concluding paragraph techniques:

As well as summarising and restating your opinion, a final paragraph may:

•    requite the reader something to consider, The globe would exist a much more dangerous place if there weren't whatever laws.

•    end with a proverb/quotation Every bit Ann Sanders once said, "The hard way is the right way." Or a rhetorical question Aren't teenagers function of society, after all?

6  a Read the theory box. Say which of the paragraphs below are introductions and which are conclusions. Which of the techniques practise they use? Which has the writer used in the model essay in Ex. two?

A  All things considered, I strongly believe that parents have a huge influence on the behaviour of a teenager. As the saying goes, 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

B  When was the terminal fourth dimension you lot did something to protect the environs? I strongly believe that nosotros all have a responsibility to look afterwards our planet. As Marshall Mcluhan said, "There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth; nosotros are all crew "

C   To sum up, whilst many teenagers are non very politically-minded, I believe that teenagers should exist allowed to vote if they desire to. Afterwards all, don't they stand for the next generation of adults?

мама и ребенок

b  In pairs, write a suitable introduction and conclusion for the essay title below, using appropriate techniques and expressing your stance. Compare with another pair.

> All teenagers should help to await later younger siblings.

7 Read the study skill, then express viewpoints ; 1-four beneath using milder language.


Expressing your viewpoints
Don't utilize potent personal expressions e.g. I know, I'g sure/certain that etc. or over-generalisations e.g. All teenagers are irresponsible to express their viewpoints/opinions. Utilise milder linguistic communication instead e.thousand. In my view, Information technology seems to me that, In my opinion/view, I tend to believe, I feel, Teenagers can/have a trend to be irresponsible etc. This volition brand your essay more balanced.

one    I am certain that teenagers should help out at dwelling house.
2    Teenagers definitely shouldn't have part-time jobs.
three    Teenagers' schoolwork volition endure if they get a office-fourth dimension job.
4    All video games should be banned.

Discuss and Write

eight  a Read the rubrics and underline the key words. Ij What practise you accept to write nearly in each case? What is your stance? Requite reasons.

A   A mag is asking for opinions on the following: All teenagers should help with household chores. Write an essay, giving reasons/examples to back up your point of view.

B  Yous have had a form give-and-take about the following: Is it a good idea for a child to await after a pet from a young age? At present your teacher would like you to write an essay, stating your stance and giving reasons/examples. (120-180 words)

b  Work in pairs. Call up near rubric A again and match the possible viewpoints (1-iii) with the reasons (A-C). What is the writer's opinion? Add together more reasons/examples to the viewpoints where possible, and propose one more viewpoint of your ain with reasons/examples. Finally, suggest a suitable fashion to begin/end this essay.


C Now call up well-nigh rubric B. Decide on your opinion and make a like table of possible viewpoints with reasons/examples. How could you begin/stop the essay?

 9  Use your answers to Ex. 8 to help you lot write one of the essays. Then, swap with your partner and check each other's piece of work according to the checklist beneath.

Checklist for stance essays

•    Is the essay written in an advisable style?
•    Does the introduction concenter your interest, nowadays the theme conspicuously and give the writer'south stance?
•    Does each paragraph have a topic judgement introducing a dissever viewpoint?
•    Is each topic sentence followed past clear reasons/examples to support it?
•    Are all viewpoints expressed using balmy language?
•    Are appropriate linking words/phrases used throughout the essay?
•    Does the final main torso paragraph present the opposing viewpoint?
•    Is the conclusion interesting and does it restate the author'southward opinion?

Английский язык. 11 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. - two-е изд., доп. и перераб. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009. - 244 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе).

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